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Darcy Hughes Heuring is the Director of MAPSS. She oversees the operation of the program in close collaboration with the Faculty Director. This includes strategic planning, oversight of MAPSS professors, academic hiring, curricular policies and planning, academic policies and procedures, and new initiatives.
Dr. Heuring earned her PhD in History from Northwestern University, her MA from MAPSS, and a BA from the University of Idaho. Her research and teaching interests include the social and cultural history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain and its empire, European colonialism and decolonization, the history of gender and sexuality, the colonial Caribbean, and the history of medicine and public health. Her recent course offerings include Historical Methods and Gender, Sex, and Empire.
Dr. Heuring has been a Mellon Fellow at the Institute of Historical Research in London, a Presidential Fellow at Northwestern University, and is a recipient of the Shryock Medal (awarded by the American Association for the History of Medicine).