Photo of Chad Cyrenne
Chad Cyrenne Pronouns: he/him Areas of Study: Social Sciences Office: 1155 E. 60th Street, Room 285E Office hours: See link in bio Phone: (773) 702-5885 Email
Executive Director and Assistant Dean, MA Programs in the Social Sciences

Schedule office hours here

Chad Cyrenne (he/him) is the Executive Director of MA Programs and Assistant Dean in the Social Sciences Division. He supports the academic and administrative leadership in MAPSS, MACSS, and CIR. He oversees our institutional operations, collaborates with the Dean of Students on academic and curricular policy, and helps lead Divisional efforts in MA program development. 

Dr. Cyrenne earned his PhD from the University of Chicago (Political Science), a CEP from the Institut d’Etudes politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), a BA from Amherst College, and an IB from the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. He taught as Senior Lecturer at UChicago (Political Theory) before assuming his current position.